
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Hopefully you’ll find my posts as inspiring and helpful as they are to me!


Since I’m new at the whole blogging thing, I probably went a little crazy on organizing my blog categories, so here’s a run-down on what each one has to offer:

Awesome Reads

Here will be posts that I found all-around awesome.  They will range from pictures of Paris, France at night from the International Space station to someone recounting their whirlwind adventures from their last vacation.  I’m pretty chill, and so a lot of things intrigue me.  Maybe something here will pique your interest, too?

Dear Diary

Posts under this category will be coming from the heart.  My own carefully written and thought out words of wisdom will be stored here.

Who am I kidding?  This is where I’ll rant, freak-out, and blab about my day-to-day (or day-to-week, depending on how frequently I’ll be able to update) happenings.  But I’ll also be musing on the things I’ve found and posted, and tips and tricks I’ve learned from those awesome blogs.  Hopefully I won’t get to diary-like, for all of our sakes.

Feel Good Phrases

The title speaks for itself.  I’ll post relaxing, thought-provoking, empowering, and just plain cool quotes and phrases that I come across in my blogging travels.  The occasional picture might show up, too.  These could come in the form of others’ blog posts, or posts that I write and quote someone’s wise words.

Helpful Hints

It’s only obvious that I include a “Hints” category.  I mean, I started this blog so I could recount to all of you wonderful readers the odyssey I will embark on across europe with my best friend.  And since this is the first time either of us has done anything like this (no biggy, though, right?) we’ll obviously need a lot of helpful hints from seasoned travelers and study-abroaders.

Must See’s and Do’s

This is my bucket-list in hiding.  I’ll post things that I have every intention of seeing/doing, and things that will probably be physically impossible for me to see/do.  It’s always nice to dream, though.  That’s what bucket lists are for, right?

Packing Tips

You can never have enough packing tips!  I’m obsessed with tips and tricks on how to pack light.  With so many decisions with what to take and what not to take, packing can be very confusing and frustrating.  Not to mention that you have to pack differently for different kinds of trips – the long ones and short ones and summer ones and winter ones and fun ones and business ones…


If you don’t know where to start, or don’t really care, just click on the “Posts” page.  There, you’ll get to explore all of my posts in one convenient place!


Now that that’s been sorted out, I want to mention one more thing.  See that list of people’s blogs on the left?  Right under my menu of categories that I just explained?  Yeah, you should definitely click those links and visit their blogs.  They’re pretty awesome.


Au Revoir (Until next time),
